Channel: ReliefWeb - World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) Jobs
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Consultant for Comparative Study on Energy Efficiency Policy & Practices

Country: Myanmar
Organization: World Wide Fund For Nature
Closing date: 2 Jun 2020

WWF Myanmar is looking for a Consultant for Comparative Study on Energy Efficiency Policy & Practices with Home-based with a few online interviews to support a comparative analysis of good Energy Efficiency policies and measures in the industrial sector, including esp. the Food and Beverage (F&B) Industry, in neighboring countries, and the development of recommendation for the Government of Myanmar based on its findings.

On the Tha Bar Wa project. In order to support the Food and Beverage sector, WWF is implementing Tha Bar Wa project. The project is a four-year project which started in 2018, funded by the European Union under the SWITCH-Asia Programme. The project is implemented by WWF in partnership with Myanmar Food Processors and Exporters Association (MFPEA) and Savings Banks Foundation for International Cooperation (SBFIC).

The project promotes cleaner production in Myanmar’s growing Food and Beverage sector, specifically in the small and medium-size enterprises. The project’s overall objective is to improve & demonstrate an enabling environment for cleaner production.

Consultancy objectives

WWF aims to contract an in-depth comparative study among East, South, and South-East Asia countries of good individual policies and policy frameworks/mixes geared at promoting energy efficiency in the industrial/manufacturing sector. The analysis should cover all types of policies - including regulation and standards, economic incentives, awareness-raising, capacity-building and monitoring mechanisms – and should assess policy effectiveness in light of their known performance (successes/challenges) that is steering effects on practices on application of energy efficiency practices. Drawing lessons learned from the assessment and comparison of such policies, this study should provide recommendations for an energy efficiency promotion program/policy framework for the consideration of the government of Myanmar.

Scope of work

The consultant is expected to provide a detailed methodology and timeline for this study. The consultant will identify at least three countries for the study and, based on the comparison with Myanmar’s existing policies and practices, will suggest recommendations for an energy efficiency promotion program or policy mix for the industrial sector; specific attention should be given to the F&B sector, as appropriate.

Methodologically, this study will involve a thorough desk research and to validate some of the data and information, a few interviews might be required that can be either done through phone or online. Travel is not foreseen under the contract.

The study should present:

  • The goals/intention of the study;

  • The methodology applied;

  • The criteria for comparison and a justification of the policies selected for analysis based on these criteria;

  • A detailed analysis of the policies/ policy frameworks,

  • Recommendations for the development of a policy (framework) for energy efficiency promotion in the industrial sector in Myanmar

The detailed outputs & deliverables are is at http://www.wwf.org.mm/en/myanmar_career_page/


· Extensive experience and relevant formal qualifications in the energy efficiency and energy management field

· Demonstrated experience in conducting energy efficiency assessments and energy audits in industry, as well as designing and delivering trainings and audits relevant to industry.

· Experience in practical factory visits and validating, reviewing and monitoring energy management.

· Knowledge of production, pollution parameters and level of impacts of different sub-sectors within F&B industry

· Fluency in English.

· Experience in writing similar reports and preparing knowledge products, specifically in the analysis of legal frameworks for energy efficiency.

· Previous similar work experiences in East, South, and South-East Asia countries is strongly preferred.


· Candidate with work experience in Myanmar strongly preferred

· Knowledge of the Myanmar language is an advantage.

Closing Date: 2 June 2020 (Tuesday)

How to apply:

Clearly stating their fit for this position (incl. documentation of relevant qualifications and prior experience), together with a financial offer and CVs of all experts to be involved with the contract either by email to: vacancy.mm@wwf.org.mm or by post / delivered to: WWF Myanmar, 15C Than Taman Street, Dagon Township, Yangon.

The financial offer must be presented as an amount in USD and must include a break-down of the consultancy fee and any incidental expenditure incurred e.g. through telecommunication fees).

The maximum budget available for this contract is X USD. Payments under this contract will be made in the currency of the tender.

The applicable tax arrangements will be deduce based on WWF’s Myanmar and Government fo Myanmar tax policy.

For additional information or clarification, the bidder can email to ujjwal.pokhrel@wwf.org.mm.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

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